My first dubsmash and I dedicate it to my fave #band :D hahaha...proud to be a #blueangel #blueangels of @michaellearnstorock #MLTR #jascharichter #kårewanscher #mikkellentz #sleepingchild #dubsmash #dubsmashindonesia #dubsmasher with my #lovely #niece Ps. my niece already loves MLTR song, yippiiii \^o^/

My first dubsmash and I dedicate it to my fave #band :D hahaha...proud to be a #blueangel #blueangels of @michaellearnstorock #MLTR #jascharichter #kårewanscher #mikkellentz #sleepingchild #dubsmash #dubsmasher with my #lovely #niece Ps. my niece already loves MLTR song, yippiiii \^o^/ Download MP4

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