Palm Returns From The Dead, Making Money From BitTorrent [Tech News Digest]


Palm is declared alive and well, Radiohead frontman makes money on BitTorrent, play free MS-DOS games in your browser, use AnyPen on Lenovo tablets, and how to draw without using your hands. The Palm Brand Is Resuscitated Weekend at Bernies 3: Palm. — Dieter Bohn (@backlon) January 6, 2015 The Palm brand is being brought back from the dead, with Chinese electronics firm TCL Communications resurrecting Palm for a new generation of consumers. TCL announced the return of Palm during CES 2015, currently taking place in Las Vegas. No timeline has yet been announced, but TCL is seeking to crowdsource...

Read the full article: Palm Returns From The Dead, Making Money From BitTorrent [Tech News Digest]

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