RUMAH DIJUAL: Jual Rumah ELITE Cililin Kebayoran Baru!
(Kebayoran Baru) (Cililin, Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru)
Cililin, Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta Selatan
Sertifikat Hak Milik
Kamar tidur: 4
Kamar mandi: 3
Kamar pembantu: 1
Garasi: 2
Luas tanah: 259 m2
Luas bangunan: 240 m2
Berapa lantai? 2
Berapa line telepon? 1 line Tlp
Listrik: 3500 AV watt
(Kebayoran Baru) (Cililin, Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru)
Cililin, Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta Selatan
Sertifikat Hak Milik
Kamar tidur: 4
Kamar mandi: 3
Kamar pembantu: 1
Garasi: 2
Luas tanah: 259 m2
Luas bangunan: 240 m2
Berapa lantai? 2
Rumah Cililin, Kebayoran Baru KETERANGAN Lokasi: Kelurahan Petogogan, Kecamatan Kebayoran Baru Luas: Tanah 259 m2, Bangunan 240 m2 Legalitas: SHM, IMB, PBB selalu dibayar Spesifikasi : 4 Kamar Tidur + 1 3 Kamar Mandi + 1 R. Tamu, R. Keluarga, R. Makan, Gudang, Dapur, Garasi, Carport Ada Taman kecil Listrik 3500 AV Air tanah bagus & PAM 1 Telp-Line Keterangan Tambahan : Daerah Elite Rumah Layak Huni Tidak banjir. Akses sangat mudah dan strategis, BENEFIT Membeli Prestise, krn dijual di jantung Kebayoran Baru Semakin Makmur, krn kenaikan harga yg pesat di Kebayoran So, let's have a pleasurable talk! Quote:
Harga : (nego) [Tolong sebutkan bhw Anda mengetahui dari WEBSITE RUMAHDIJUAL.COM ketika menelpon] Why does INFORTUS Property exist? Because we do have our utmost believe, that we can change the status-quo of Indonesian poor education access for children. And how will we do this? By giving you the most personaly-tailored services, with fast speed solution, and served by our sharp dressed gentlemen, we are giving you: INFORTUS Golden Service Experience INFORTUS Property is a team of property devotee. Either you want to sell your properties or buy new ones (Kebayoran Baru & Menteng in particular; South & Center Jakarta in general), or even offering us some Indonesian soil to develop, we are ready to help you. Thank you for having us with you, and see you on the nearest coffee shop :) Sit back, enjoy your afternoon coffee, and lets have a pleasurable talk. We are HELPFUL |
Berapa line telepon? 1 line Tlp
Listrik: 3500 AV watt