Mac: Taking a screenshot is easy, but if you take them often, leaving them littered across your desktop is a pain. You could use a third-party app to redirect where they're saved for you, or even upload them to the cloud, but if you don't need all that, this terminal command will save them anywhere you choose.
Greg Muender explains over at a post on Medium that he was tired of his screenshots ending up on the desktop, and he also didn't want to use an app that was always running to move them or copy them to his clipboard. Instead, he created a "Screenshots" folder in his "Documents" folder. Then he opened up a terminal window, and typed:
defaults write location ~/Documents/Screenshots
After that, he restarted the finder by typing:
killall SystemUIServer
That's all there is to it. From then on, any screenshots he takes are automatically saved to the "Screenshots" folder for future use, and he keeps a nice clean desktop. Of course, you can replace the "~/Documents/Screenshots" with any folder you choose or create—you can move them all to your Dropbox folder for easy sharing, for example. Hit a screenshot walkthrough of the tip, hit the link below.
Hate How Screenshots On A Mac Save To Your Desktop? | Greg Muender (Medium)