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School Policy Makers NEED to be in schools to make the best decisions for our children. Our family has been lucky to have received the best academic and special assistance for both our children. However , LUCK should NOT have played a part. Children who don’t “fit” the standards are falling thru the cracks.

The standards NEED to CHANGE.

STEP 1. Move ALL school board staff into schools. Let them see and talk to children daily. Put school board staff into portables without air conditioning or washroom facilities. Have them bring their lunch and sit with the children during the lunch period.

STEP 2. Move Principles, Vice Principles and Office Managers into classrooms. Let’s see how much work they get done with all the interruption and non academic policies teachers have to drone thru.

STEP 3. Scrap the unions and allow people who perform well keep their jobs and let others go and find better suited employment.

STEP 4. Treat children like people. Their school years are the only time in their lives they are expected to be good at everything. Adults, are you good at everything?

STEP 5. Parents, yes, your children are precious, but you don’t know them for 6 hours during the day. WORK with your child and the teacher cooperatively for your child’s best success.

Jenna was born with several congenital heart defects (CHD) She was born with a coarctation to the aorta, pulmonary veinal return, ASD, VSD replica graham watches uk , a bicuspid aortic valve, and the left side of her heart significantly smaller compared to the right, but at the time they thought it was developed enough and showed signs of growth so it wasn’t a big concern. She spent her first 85 days in the

hospital going through two heart surgeries and fighting multiple blood stream infections.

Jenna finally turned around and was able to come home and spent the next almost 8 months home going through physical, occupational replica tag heuer , speech therapy and a special instructor to teach her fine motor skills. Jenna made many improvements. To get her to come home she had to have a third surgery to have a g tube placed in the stomach for feedings to try to bulk her up so she could have her next surgery. The goal was always to get her to the next surgery and then place her in the surgeons and gods hands again to hope for the best possible outcome.

As our future would not have it Jenna never made it to her next heart surgery. She somehow ended up with yet another bloodstream infection but never showed signs of it. She had a cold and I took her to the doctors on March 14th. The doctor cleared her saying everything was fine and I might be over exaggerating. I also informed him her extremities were turning blue and he said it was just because she had a cold. She seemed to be improving so I thought no different. We went on as usual. We had a cardiac appt on the 21st it was that day that my world started to fall apart. Jenna’s heart had become enlarged ultimately it became so enlarged it pinched her left ventricle causing her to die.

Jenna fought for three days, her condition became better when the doctors put her in a medically induced coma which allowed her to rest. Jenna was the kind of kid that would not sleep if something was wrong she went 26 hours sleeping only about an hour of it before they put her into a medically induced coma to stop pulmonary cardiac fits from happening but that lasted a day and a half before another doctor decided to change the existing orders. he wanted her at wiggling state yet every time they let her to this point her body couldn’t handle it but he said he wouldn’t let her be that deep in a sleep where she wasn’t moving. Ultimately I don’t know if my sweet baby could have made it to another surgery or beat the infection.

She passed away early morning of the 24th of March. I watched the doctors work on her by myself because everything was okay earlier in the evening and my husband needed to go back to work. They worked on her for over an hour trying to save her and get her back until ultimately because of state laws and etc. I was the one to have to say stop. I had to let her go. She is my fighter always and forever she is my stinkerbell. I share her story, to make people thankful for every day they have with their children and to address the lack of support, interest and awareness of CHD.

Jenna’s life is my work.

Besides Jenna I have 3 other beautiful daughters two of which were born before Jenna and one who is 9 months old tomorrow. My girls have been my main focus through this whole journey. I don’t want my girls to just feel sadness when they think about Jenna and I want our youngest who never met her to know all about her. Jenna was always a happy baby and it would be a disservice to not keep living my life but remembering the beautiful memories I have of her.

As a mom to an angel baby there are triggers that will sometime make me have a not so good day but I have to say the bad days have gotten much less. It has been 29 months since Jenna left us. She is 3 years old now in heaven.

Written by Carrie Replica D&G – Replica Watches UK Sale , Jenna’s Mom.

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I have Adult ADHD (and a few other nifty “shiny” disorders associated with ADHD, as per usual with ADHD).

I was designated with ADHD in adulthood after a teacher friend suggested I get tested. I just thought I was colourful, dynamic, a cartoon. Turns out I have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Why wasn’t it detected when I was a child?

In a way it was, it just didn’t have a name nor ANY treatment.

Nice little girls fly under the radar in 1970′s classrooms. Parent/teacher interviews consisted of the teacher telling my mother that I was a “daydreamer, talked too much but very creative. If she only applied herself .”

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