kenaga residence

RUMAH DISEWAKAN: kenaga residence

(Ampera) kenanga, ampera

Jakarta Selatan

Rp. 47.000.000. (USD 4500) perbulan

Sertifikat Hak Milik

Kamar tidur: 4 +1

Kamar mandi: 4

Kamar pembantu: 2

Garasi: 2

Luas tanah: 300

Luas bangunan: 300

Berapa lantai? 2

Bangunan menghadap: Utara


townhouse kenanga residence for rent, jeruk purut, south jakarta, close Netherland School, not flooded, only 5-10 minutes to the entrance and exit toll road tb simatupang , very easy road access to the Ampera, Kemang,and pejaten barat , guarded by 24-hour security, excellent location strategies, a comfortable home and very quiet. A new house.

  • leased at a price of USD 4500 per month

  • the two-year lease and payment in advance

please call or email :

Yusiadi kapita


email :

Berapa line telepon? 1

Listrik: 16500 watt

AC: yes

Pemanas air: yes

Kolam renang: yes

Apakah mobil masuk? yes

Bebas banjir? yes

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